How to Get Whiter Teeth Naturally
Everyone knows that having a nice smile makes for a nicer appearance but, many of the foods you eat and the drinks you consume can stain your teeth. If you want to have whiter teeth naturally, try these foods and drinks that do it for you.
Let Nature Brush your Teeth for You
Apples, cauliflower, and celery can help to whiten your teeth because they act as an abrasive scrub for your teeth. Think of them as "nature’s toothbrush" cleaning your teeth naturally as you enjoy them. These foods also stimulate saliva production, which helps keep plaque from forming. Stains will stick to plaque, which is why brushing your teeth at least twice a day is strongly recommended.
Don’t Sit Out on Citrus
The acid in oranges and pineapples may help to whiten and brighten the surface of your teeth. The acid in citrus also contains enzymes that naturally kill the bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath. And, once again, eating juicy citrus boosts saliva production that naturally rids your mouth of the foods that stain your teeth, like coffee, soda, and red wine.
Ah, the Magic of Strawberries
You already know that sugar is bad for your teeth, right? Well, strawberries are naturally sweet and contain an enzyme called malic acid that can help to whiten your teeth. Replace those harmful sweet treats with strawberries a few times a week, not only to satisfy your sweet tooth, but to naturally whiten your smile, as well.
Visit the Dairy, When you Can
Yogurt, milk, and hard cheeses such as cheddar, are healthy dairy products that contain lactic acid, which may help reduce tooth decay. Researchers are beginning to believe that the proteins in yogurt may bind to teeth and prevent them from attack by harmful acids that cause cavities. Of course, dairy products are also loaded with calcium, which can guard and strengthen the bones that hold teeth in place – your jaw bone. Chewing hard cheese also creates more of the saliva that helps remove food particles that can stain your teeth.
Avoid These Foods that Stain Teeth
Obviously, it makes sense to avoid foods that stain your teeth, too. Think of it this way – If the food will create a tough-to-remove stain in your laundry, it will do the same to your teeth. (Just don’t use bleach to clean your teeth!) Coffee, tea, red wine, and soda are known for staining, as are blueberries, soy sauce, and virtually all tobacco products.
Of course, if your teeth have already become stained or discolored, you may need professional tooth whitening to enjoy a brighter smile, which we can help you with.
The doctors and staff at The Colorado Center for Implants and Prosthetic Dentistry, are your full-service Littleton dental implants specialist and are experts in all types of tooth replacement therapy. If you would like more information on your family’s dental needs, make an appointment today.