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Replace Teeth in a Day

"Teeth in a Day" or "All-on-4" are just two of the various terms used to describe and market a relatively new technique in tooth replacement therapy. These phrases refer to situations where all of your teeth or dentures are replaced by dental implants and you receive new fixed teeth, i.e., non-removable, screwed-in replacements, on the same day.

While this treatment option is relatively new to patients, the therapy is based on more than 14 years of clinical research.

How does "teeth in a day" work?

This dental implant treatment is based on the principle of placing just four implants in your jaw, in a specific arrangement and angulation to best utilize the remaining bone. Once the implants have been placed, they can immediately be used to anchor a completely new set of replacement teeth for that jaw. As the new teeth are screwed into place, they are very secure and seem like natural, healthy teeth, in both function and appearance.

This type of tooth replacement therapy has distinct advantages, in that treatment time and treatment complexity is significantly reduced. It usually means that the patient can avoid additional bone grafting surgery, so it ends up being a cost-effective and relatively more comfortable way of restoring large gaps or as total tooth replacement.

It is a particularly suitable option if you wear dentures, and would like to regain the appearance and function of the natural teeth you’ve lost. This therapy can work for you even if you’ve previously been told that you were not a suitable candidate for permanent tooth replacement therapy!

The benefits for you, the patient, are obvious as this is a relatively quick therapy, with most of the treatment being completed in one day.

The teeth that are provided on the day of treatment have to be classified as temporary teeth. This is due to the fact that for 3-4 months after implant placement, further gum tissue healing will occur, so it would be necessary to replace the initial; teeth with a more accurately fitting fixed set of teeth.

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